HjemOm kommunenEnglishNorwegian classes for adult immigrants

Norwegian classes for adult immigrants

Immigrants between 55 and 65 have a right but not a duty to take part in the tuition.

You must have at least 300 hours of Norwegian lessons if you want to get a settlement permit in Norway.

Some people get free Norwegian classes and some people have to pay for them.
Refugees and family-reunited possessing a residence permit receive free tuition.

Foreign jobseekers must pay for the Norwegian classes.

For further information please contact Osterøy Vaksenopplæring

Head Master: Linda Judith Svidal Nordås
e-mail: osteroy.vaksenopplering@osteroy.kommune.no
tlf. 56 19 27 52/53

Some useful links:

• Asylum and refugee policy 
• Norwegian Directorate of Immigration 
• The Norwegian Language Council
• The Directorate of Integration and Diversity

Sist oppdatert: 10.12.2018
Publisert: 05.12.2018